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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Movie Review : John Carter (2012) *** Rating

 Zoom The BarsoOM ∞

Movie Review: John Carter   *** Rating
Theatre Release: 9 Mar 2012
Language: English
Direction: Andrew Stanton
Label: Walt Disney Pictures
Genre: Fiction (Adventurous not Science)
Viewers Group: Family & Friends

The Critique Lab Score Board

AVA Score: 8.0(Max 10)
AVA Medal Honor™©      : ȫ Silver
          Recommendation Level:   High (Read Review)

( ȫ Iron Medal  ȫ BRONZE Medal    ȫ SILVER Medal ȫ Titanium Medal ȫ GOLD Medal ȫ PLATINUM Medal ȫ A Diamond)
( I-Ignore L-Low  M-Moderate   H-high  M-Must)

1912- It was a year when the knowledge of Solar system to the common people hard existed and in the early 1900s one was very respectable Mr. Georges Méliès (Why? Wait for my next review on Hugo) and second is this man Norman Beans Also Known as Mr. Edgar Rice Burroughs who thought, dreamed and penned down  an extraordinary story of Barsoom ( Read Planet Mars). John Carter a former American Civil War Confederate Army captain who miraculously or we can say accidently transported to the Barsoom from Earth and his body weight & Mars Gravity powered him with an extraordinary power to jump over his hurdles and captures the Hearts of Green, Six limbed green creatures known as Tharks & the beautiful princess of Helium viz Dejah Thoris (Lynn Collins) and made the envy of the Jeddak of Zodanga (Dominic West)

Andrew Stanton, the director has tried to make a complicated story live on screen almost after 90 years when in 1931 a full length Animated feature film on ‘A Princess of Mars’ was put forward to MGM… But does he succeed? Answer is absolutely yes but with some Spaces because screenplay plays a pivotal role than the visual effects alone. The first 15 mins of the movie is bit unimpressive where a series of events occurred in flashback till John carter transported to Barsoom. Thou once he is there exciting reaches to another level with green Martians, Martians’ Rhinos, beautiful Warships, Romance, funny hatchings, Martians’ Giant  White Apes and of course the Cute but ugly Pet of John Carter named Woola…Really sweet

Taylor Kitsch as John Carter looks simple, adventurous and charming smile prince but less as a warrior  and Lynn Collins looks pretty but performances of the main characters felt average whereas animated Tharks and Pet Woola seems more convincing.

Andrew Stanton by putting author of the original novel as one of the character tries to put some new dimensions to the story but screenplay loses logical sequencing and incidents like lacks of incidents to show how John Carter had learnt Tharks’ Language overnight? Thou James Cameron Avatar does touch this basics of the story

Andrew does get 10/10 for his capability for making the dream planet of Barsoom pleasantly alive on the screen with the team of its extremely talented visual effects professionals but loses few points on the execution of the story and screenplay. Thou in the climax when John carter spells some codes and Say Barsooomm the audience reciprocate the same with the hope to Zoom more into Barsoom in the coming time.

Thanks & Regards
Yours AVA
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Disclaimer: The ideas; feelings; expressions and views expressed hereby are purely personal. The author tries himself to be completely free from any status quo of the personalities related ,Box office collections, Awards nominations or wins with the reviewed Product to give Fair and Unbiased Judgment. Readers’ cooperation is solicited.

1 comment:

  1. Erm. I assume or rather hope english is not your first language. This whole article scans terribly. You must get it proof read first, its actually painful to read there is so many grammatical errors.


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