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Monday, May 10, 2010


Book Review: The Immortals of Meluha - THE FIRST IN SHIVA TRIOLOGY

Official Website:
Language: English
Publisher: Tara Press
Author: Amish
Genre: Mythological Fiction
Readers’ Group: All

The Critique Lab Score Board
AVA Score : 7(Max 10)
AVA Medal Honour ™© : ȫ SILVER
Recommendation Level : High- For Fantasy Lovers

Reference   (ȫ BRONZE Medal ȫ SILVER Medal ȫ Titanium Medal ȫ GOLD Medalȫ PLATINUM Medal)
Reference   (L-low   M-Moderate   H-high M-must)

Mythology-Is it myth or Truth ? Thou all our Holy Books some way or other had discussed the existence of TRIMURTI (Three Idols) i.e. Brahma; Vishnu or Mahesh. Every single ritual; Hindu Temple or faith amongst Hindus based on the stories related with the Trimurti and their Incarnations some way or other. Author Amish in beginning of the Book said people in India also assumed that Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesh are mythical God and they never existed but author himself by providing the evidence will try to recover the true
identity of those Mighty God lost with the time. A well made and heavily marketed Trailer on this Book by the Leading Book stores of the country like Crossword; Odyssey and Landmark has just made my expectation higher than I thought because this was the topic I always debated on with my family and friends so usual; Like Ram was a King not a God; His Public made him GOD alike because of his deeds and way of administration & Ravana didn’t have Ten Heads his intelligence and Knowledge was 10 times better than any King known that time and it always ended up to never concluding debate.

I have started to read this book like a thirsty traveller in desert who has found an oasis; so I started running nearer to the oasis and completed my 100+ steps (read Pages) on day one..It was an enjoyable reading but I didn’t Found for what I have started my journey so I went back to the starting pages of the Book...and I Laughed to me…It clearly says “THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION” …………….And I have found that “The Oasis” in the Desert was just an illusion- a Mirage.

The story is narrated in the 1900 BC. Shiva a leader of the tribe Gunas in Kailash Mansarovar decided to left the region to avoid frequent fights with other tribe viz Pakratis in the nearby region. Nandi a messenger from Devgiri invited them to reside as immigrants in their magnificent city. Unaware of the intention of the king Daksha Shiva left the Mansarovar. One night in immigration camps he was offered “Somras- a medicated and pious drink” after which he suddenly started sweating ;lady doctor Ayurvati later discovered his throat which has turned Blue due to the drink and she burst into tears as she said and believed that NEELKANTH has arrived- The Incarnation of LORD Shiva.

Soon the news spread like fire into high officials of Meluha Region and King Daksha invited Shiva to meet him to confirm his Blue throat. While travelling to Devgiri he faced encounter with terrorist group name Nagas and his future love too named Sati near Brahma Temple. Spellbound by the city’s arrangement Shiva was still not aware as to what his blue throat has to do with the king and his empire. Helpless and poor Daksha after confirming his blue throat gained a momentum in his hope and declared SHIVA as NEEL KANTH – A savior of Suryavanshis from the evils of Chandravanshis.

Amish has done a remarkable job in terms of narrating his story by weaving the Mythological characters into his FICTION. But referring to his era 1900 BC BHARAT  and mythological characters sometimes it looks funny when SHIVA use words like Oh Dammit; O Shit; BLOODY hell etc wish author had put more thoughts while writing as the story war scenes and many incidents TOO remind  you of many hit Hollywood movies like braveheart;Troy;300and Alexander. Moreover the character sketch of Nagas is in complete resemblance with Zolm, the Leader of the Hassansins, hired by Nizam to locate Dastan and kill him from the world famous Video game Trilogy: Prince of Persia and the movie with the same name. Amish has taken the complete liberty to use the well known Mythological characters into 1900 BC.  To be on safer side Shiva was just shown as an incarnation of the LORD Shiva not LORD SHIVA himself who is unaware of the potential lies inside his body and mind. It is the first published part of the Shiva Trilogy other two will be the secret of the Nagas and the Oath of the Vayuputra; the true perception of AMISH regarding the character SHIVA could only be decided after reading the complete trilogy. As a belief this book is definitely challenging but as fiction it’s a good fantasy to enjoy thou Oasis is still far away…

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1 comment:

  1. An enjoyable read The Immortals of Meluha by Amish . loved the way you wrote it. I find your review very genuine and original, this book is going in by "to read" list.


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