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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Movie Review: The Avengers (2012) *** Rating

The Avengers ∞ Synonyms to Iron Man 3 ∞

 Theatre Release: 27 April 2012 (India)
Language: English
Direction: Joss Whedon
Label: Walt Disney Pictures ; Marvel Studios
Genre: Thriller
Viewers Group: 13+

The Critique Lab Score Board
AVA Score:7 (Max 10)
AVA Medal Honor™©: ȫ Silver
Recommendation Level: Moderate (Read Review)

(ȫ BRONZE Medal ȫ SILVER Medal ȫ Titanium Medal ȫ GOLD Medal ȫ PLATINUM Medal )
( L-Low M-Moderate H-High D-Don’t Miss it)

So here comes The Avengers – a group of superheroes to save the world from destructions (as superheroes meant to be) viz Ironman, Hulk, Hawkeye, Black widow, Thor & captain America who all are approached by Nick Fury (Samuel l. Jackson)-Director of the espionage agency S.H.I.E.L.D. (expect Thor who was an apple from the skyJ) to come together and the save the world from Loki (adoptive brother of Thor) who has stolen Tesseract (an energy cube of unknown potential) which can invite the alien race- the Chitauri to the earth to cause destruction.

The First question- Does ‘The Avengers’ is a film of six superheroes? Answer is NO.
The movie is heavily based on the power and skills of IRON MAN and later followed by Hulk; all other characters are just supporting characters adding no extra flavor to remember. Since Captain America, Hawkeye & Natasha don’t have super powers they lacked the status of being a superheroes as far as avengers is concerned. Even the possibility of emotional connects between Clint Barton (Hawkeye) and Natasha was missing. Also Steve Rogers(Captain America) was struggling to make a presence with other super powers.

If one has to term The Avengers as Ironman 3 than it would not be possibly wrong because from the beginning to the climax it’s he who holds the film either by his action or style or the dialogues (some of them are really cool). The auto removal of his iron-suit by robotic machines was kool and in a scene where Loki pushed him from the heights, the way his Iron suit came, auto activated and became his body-suit was awesome. Thou Hulk was entertaining but he came into his ‘Smashing Avatar’ only after half the way movie has past. The way he beaten up the ‘Loki’ after his comments of being a God was really enjoyable

But Joss Whedon, the director could have done better to balance out the movie in terms of introducing equally capable superheroes. Also first half of the movie gradually reaches to boredom with the introduction of superheroes; it’s only in the second half that excitement moved to the next level.

When we talk about visual effects, cinematography, production value, 3D version or soundtrack all are good and worth praising. Regarding performances its again all the good humor punches goes along with Ironman which makes you smile followed by Hulk. Tom Hiddlestone as Loki and Scarlett Johansson as Natasha were impressive. Rest all were limited in role to mention.

Overall it’s a good weekend watch especially for Ironman and Hulk Fans but may not live up to the hype created. Walt Disney is gradually learning to tap South-Asian markets by pre releasing the movies here after the debacle of John Carter(thou a good movie) ;Hope this will worked out.

Thanks & Regards
Yours AVA
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Disclaimer: The ideas; feelings; expressions and views expressed hereby are purely personal. The author tries himself to be completely free from any status quo of the personalities related, award nominations or win, box office performances with the reviewed Product to give Fair and Unbiased Judgment. Readers’ cooperation is solicited.

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